Spirit Hares

The Antari Spirit Hares are typically free-spirited, but tend to cluster close to their own mini-groups based on personality or spirituality types. While they don’t usually use or depend heavily on gemstone magic, they reach various heights of divinity and inner peace from their individual family ties. Some have natural ties to Light Spirituality, while some others are born with Dark Spirituality. Most, however, are born without immediate signs of either, and may either bloom late or not at all. They don’t have large litters of offspring, but those with spiritual ties usually can only bear few offspring, if any.

Bloodline: Antari


Species: Spirit Hare

I’ive is quiet and sensitive, and likes to keep to himself. He enjoys the company of his family, but to escape their rambunctious personalities, he will often meditate and connect with others around the world through spiritual lines. Because of his genetic background, channeling is easy, but he is still unable to receive clear visual imagery.


Species: Spirit Hare

Kooma is a friend to dark spirits. She’s attracted to the dead who have had history of bad behavior because she is fascinated with their stories of life and death. She is capable of seeing spirits in the form of ethereal masses, but she also chooses not to summon anything into a physical existence. While she’s not into dark spirituality to conjure anything anyways, she does venture across the continent to get a deeper understanding of abnormal influences on the living.